Modal split passenger transport: Antwerpse Monitor - percentage of the transport methods used by residents subdivided into type of trip (commuting, to school, leisure time - Stad in Cijfers, stadincijfers.antwerpen.be
Ratio distance to method of transport: City of Antwerp, Urban Development, Mobility - resident and employee survey city of Antwerp in 2017, 2019 and 2020

Cars in the city centre: City of Antwerp, Urban Development, Mobility - Total number of vehicles entering annually based on all ways into the city centre as from the Singel - permanent counter
30 Zones: City of Antwerp, Urban Development, Mobility - area of 30 zones on Antwerp's territory based on GIS data - portaal-stadantwerpen.opendata.arcgis.com
De Lijn subscriptions: De Lijn - number of De Lijn subscriptions in circulation the city of Antwerp - provincies.incijfers.be
Train passengers: NMBS - annual manual census over 9 consecutive days in October of the number of boarding passengers in all Antwerp stations - www.nmbs.be
Passengers waterbus: Aqualiner - daily manual record of boarding passengers with and without bike per ship by DeWaterbus staff
Passengers bicycle bus: Autocars De Polder - daily manual record of boarding passengers by the driver of the bicycle bus
Passengers ferry service: Agentschap Maritieme Dienstverlening en Kust, Vloot - daily manual record of the number of passengers on the ferry by the crew
Shared mobility vehicles: City of Antwerp, Urban Development, Mobility - details from providers based on a 6-monthly survey (Cambio, Bolides, Poppy, Green Mobility, Scooty, Bird, Circ, Velo, Blue-Bike, Cloudbike, Mobit)
Shared mobility journeys: City of Antwerp, Urban Development, Mobility - details from providers based on a 6-monthly survey (Cambio, Bolides, Poppy, Green Mobility, Scooty, Bird, Circ, Velo, Blue-Bike, Cloudbike, Mobit)
Users of car sharing: City of Antwerp, Urban Development, Mobility - details from providers based on a 6-monthly survey. This concerns Cambio subscriptions between 2010 and 2020 whereby we count 1 user per subscription (often up to 10 people share 1 subscription). Up to and including 2019 it also includes the total number of people using Bolides, Poppy and Green Mobility. As from 2020, it concerns those using Bolides, Poppy and Green Mobility borrowing a car in Antwerp at least once.
Number of cyclists: Signco - permanent counter loops in 13 locations in Antwerp in 2 directions
Kilometres of cycle path in Antwerp: City of Antwerp, Urban Development, Mobility - number of kilometres of cycle path in the district of Antwerp based on GIS data
Kilometres of cycle path Amsterdam: Amsterdamse Thermometer van de Bereikbaarheid - www.amsterdam.nl/bestuur-organisatie/volg-beleid/verkeer-vervoer/bereikbaarheid/
Popular cycle routes: See.Sense (2019) and Strava (2021) - aggregation of cycling trip details in and around the city of Antwerp - seesense.cc/blogs/hub/synchronicity-round-up-antwerp, www.strava.com/heatmap#11.29/4.38779/51.20131/hot/ride
Percentage of female cyclists Antwerp: Antwerpse Monitor - percentage of male and female residents regularly using a bike to commute in 2020 (offset against the percentage of male (53%) and female (47%) respondents the share of women cycling is even higher in relative terms) - Stad in Cijfers, stadincijfers.antwerpen.be
Percentage of female cyclists Brussels: Bicycle observatory in the Brussels Capital Region - surveys and census for the year 2019 - www.provelo.org/nl/page/vrouwen-fietsen-brussel
Share of female cyclists the Netherlands: Bike Life - percentage of men and women residents who cycle based on their survey in 2019 - www.sustrans.org.uk/media/5942/bikelife19_aggregatedreport.pdf
Kilometres of slow roads: Road register, measured by Informatie Vlaanderen. - Length of slow roads (in metre), intended for non-motorised traffic (crossing for pedestrians and cyclists, footpaths in parks, earth tracks, footpaths or cycle ways, pedestrian zones. - Stad in Cijfers, stadincijfers.antwerpen.be
Residential kilometres: Road register, measured by Informatie Vlaanderen and the speed added by the City of Antwerp Mobility Department - length of roads (in metres) with an authorised speed of 20 km/hr. - Stad in Cijfers, stadincijfers.antwerpen.be
Modal split passenger transport: Antwerpse Monitor - percentage of the transport methods used by residents subdivided into journeys in leisure time - Stad in Cijfers, stadincijfers.antwerpen.be
Use of fuel in taxis: City of Antwerp, Urban Development, Mobility - evolution-analysis based on the permits and vehicle details of fee-paying passenger transport
Bike leasing: Fietsberaad, Bike DNA report 2020 - percentage of respondents using a bike provided by their employer and which may also be use privately or to travel to and from work - fietsberaad.be/wp-content/uploads/20200928_Profacts_Traject_FietsDNA_Report_final_web.pdf
Transport ownership by family: survey_stadsmonitor | Vlaamse Statistische Autoriteit, Agentschap Binnenlands Bestuur - Percentage (%) of residents whose family own their own transport - Stad in Cijfers, stadincijfers.antwerpen.be
Residents: Stad Antwerpen Districts-en loketwerking - number of residents officially registered in Antwerp - Stad in Cijfers, stadincijfers.antwerpen.be
Jobs: RSZ - salaried employee, in the private or public sector, on a site within the district of Antwerp - Stad in Cijfers, stadincijfers.antwerpen.be
Registered cars: Statbel - all registered motorised vehicles, including company cars - Stad in Cijfers, stadincijfers.antwerpen.be
Kilometres of traffic on the Ring Road: Vlaams Verkeerscentrum - the traffic weight indicator shows the average (average day) length of congestion on the Antwerp Ring Road - indicatoren.verkeerscentrum.be
Train passengers: NMBS - annual manual census over 9 consecutive days in October of the number of boarding passengers in all Antwerp stations - www.nmbs.be
Shared mobility vehicles: City of Antwerp, Urban Development, Mobility - details of providers based on a 6-monthly survey (Cambio, Bolides, Poppy, Green Mobility, Scooty, Bird, Circ, Velo, Blue-Bike, Cloudbike, Mobit)
Number of cyclists: Signco - permanent counter loops at Mercatorstraat and Steenplein in 2 directions
Teleworking: City of Antwerp, Urban Development, Smart Ways to Antwerp - biennial employee survey among Antwerp employees registered in the programme ‘Smart Ways to Antwerp’. 29 employers took part in 2020, and provided 6,132 responses from their employees. - www.slimnaarantwerpen.be/nl/over-ons/mobiliteitscijfers-antwerpen-2020
Local car parks: City of Antwerp, Urban Development, Mobility - The number of parking spaces in local car parks - Stad in Cijfers, stadincijfers.antwerpen.be
Electrical charging points: Department of the Environment - number of charging points for electric vehicles - Stad in Cijfers, stadincijfers.antwerpen.be
Fee-paying car parking: City of Antwerp, Urban Development, Mobility - area of fee-paying car park zones on Antwerp's territory excluding port based on GIS data - portaal-stadantwerpen.opendata.arcgis.com
Modal split passenger transport: Antwerpse Monitor - percentage of the transport methods used by residents subdivided into type of trip (commuting, to school, leisure time - Stad in Cijfers, stadincijfers.antwerpen.be
Ratio distance to method of transport: City of Antwerp, Urban Development, Mobility - resident and employee survey city of Antwerp in 2017, 2019 and 2020
Use of fuel in taxis: City of Antwerp, Urban Development, Mobility - evolution-analysis based on the permits and vehicle details of fee-paying passenger transport
Bike leasing: Fietsberaad, Bike DNA report 2020 - percentage of respondents using a bike provided by their employer and which may also be use privately or to travel to and from work - fietsberaad.be/wp-content/uploads/20200928_Profacts_Traject_FietsDNA_Report_final_web.pdf
Transport ownership by family: survey_stadsmonitor | Vlaamse Statistische Autoriteit, Agentschap Binnenlands Bestuur - Percentage (%) of residents whose family own their own transport - Stad in Cijfers, stadincijfers.antwerpen.be
Cars in the city centre: City of Antwerp, Urban Development, Mobility - Total number of vehicles entering annually based on all ways into the city centre as from the Singel - permanent counter
30 Zones: City of Antwerp, Urban Development, Mobility - area of 30 zones on Antwerp's territory based on GIS data - portaal-stadantwerpen.opendata.arcgis.com
De Lijn subscriptions: De Lijn - number of De Lijn subscriptions in circulation the city of Antwerp - provincies.incijfers.be
Train passengers: NMBS - annual manual census over 9 consecutive days in October of the number of boarding passengers in all Antwerp stations - www.nmbs.be
Passengers waterbus: Aqualiner - daily manual record of boarding passengers with and without bike per ship by DeWaterbus staff
Passengers bicycle bus: Autocars De Polder - daily manual record of boarding passengers by the driver of the bicycle bus
Passengers ferry service: Agentschap Maritieme Dienstverlening en Kust, Vloot - daily manual record of the number of passengers on the ferry by the crew
Shared mobility vehicles: City of Antwerp, Urban Development, Mobility - details from providers based on a 6-monthly survey (Cambio, Bolides, Poppy, Green Mobility, Scooty, Bird, Circ, Velo, Blue-Bike, Cloudbike, Mobit)
Shared mobility journeys: City of Antwerp, Urban Development, Mobility - details from providers based on a 6-monthly survey (Cambio, Bolides, Poppy, Green Mobility, Scooty, Bird, Circ, Velo, Blue-Bike, Cloudbike, Mobit)
Users of car sharing: City of Antwerp, Urban Development, Mobility - details from providers based on a 6-monthly survey. This concerns Cambio subscriptions between 2010 and 2020 whereby we count 1 user per subscription (often up to 10 people share 1 subscription). Up to and including 2019 it also includes the total number of people using Bolides, Poppy and Green Mobility. As from 2020, it concerns those using Bolides, Poppy and Green Mobility borrowing a car in Antwerp at least once.
Number of cyclists: Signco - permanent counter loops in 13 locations in Antwerp in 2 directions
Kilometres of cycle path in Antwerp: City of Antwerp, Urban Development, Mobility - number of kilometres of cycle path in the district of Antwerp based on GIS data
Kilometres of cycle path Amsterdam: Amsterdamse Thermometer van de Bereikbaarheid - www.amsterdam.nl/bestuur-organisatie/volg-beleid/verkeer-vervoer/bereikbaarheid/
Popular cycle routes: See.Sense (2019) and Strava (2021) - aggregation of cycling trip details in and around the city of Antwerp - seesense.cc/blogs/hub/synchronicity-round-up-antwerp, www.strava.com/heatmap#11.29/4.38779/51.20131/hot/ride
Percentage of female cyclists Antwerp: Antwerpse Monitor - percentage of male and female residents regularly using a bike to commute in 2020 (offset against the percentage of male (53%) and female (47%) respondents the share of women cycling is even higher in relative terms) - Stad in Cijfers, stadincijfers.antwerpen.be
Percentage of female cyclists Brussels: Bicycle observatory in the Brussels Capital Region - surveys and census for the year 2019 - www.provelo.org/nl/page/vrouwen-fietsen-brussel
Share of female cyclists the Netherlands: Bike Life - percentage of men and women residents who cycle based on their survey in 2019 - www.sustrans.org.uk/media/5942/bikelife19_aggregatedreport.pdf
Kilometres of slow roads: Road register, measured by Informatie Vlaanderen. - Length of slow roads (in metre), intended for non-motorised traffic (crossing for pedestrians and cyclists, footpaths in parks, earth tracks, footpaths or cycle ways, pedestrian zones. - Stad in Cijfers, stadincijfers.antwerpen.be
Residential kilometres: Road register, measured by Informatie Vlaanderen and the speed added by the City of Antwerp Mobility Department - length of roads (in metres) with an authorised speed of 20 km/hr. - Stad in Cijfers, stadincijfers.antwerpen.be
Modal split passenger transport: Antwerpse Monitor - percentage of the transport methods used by residents subdivided into journeys in leisure time - Stad in Cijfers, stadincijfers.antwerpen.be
Residents: Stad Antwerpen Districts-en loketwerking - number of residents officially registered in Antwerp - Stad in Cijfers, stadincijfers.antwerpen.be
Jobs: RSZ - salaried employee, in the private or public sector, on a site within the district of Antwerp - Stad in Cijfers, stadincijfers.antwerpen.be
Registered cars: Statbel - all registered motorised vehicles, including company cars - Stad in Cijfers, stadincijfers.antwerpen.be
Kilometres of traffic on the Ring Road: Vlaams Verkeerscentrum - the traffic weight indicator shows the average (average day) length of congestion on the Antwerp Ring Road - indicatoren.verkeerscentrum.be
Train passengers: NMBS - annual manual census over 9 consecutive days in October of the number of boarding passengers in all Antwerp stations - www.nmbs.be
Shared mobility vehicles: City of Antwerp, Urban Development, Mobility - details of providers based on a 6-monthly survey (Cambio, Bolides, Poppy, Green Mobility, Scooty, Bird, Circ, Velo, Blue-Bike, Cloudbike, Mobit)
Number of cyclists: Signco - permanent counter loops at Mercatorstraat and Steenplein in 2 directions
Teleworking: City of Antwerp, Urban Development, Smart Ways to Antwerp - biennial employee survey among Antwerp employees registered in the programme ‘Smart Ways to Antwerp’. 29 employers took part in 2020, and provided 6,132 responses from their employees. - www.slimnaarantwerpen.be/nl/over-ons/mobiliteitscijfers-antwerpen-2020
Local car parks: City of Antwerp, Urban Development, Mobility - The number of parking spaces in local car parks - Stad in Cijfers, stadincijfers.antwerpen.be
Electrical charging points: Department of the Environment - number of charging points for electric vehicles - Stad in Cijfers, stadincijfers.antwerpen.be
Fee-paying car parking: City of Antwerp, Urban Development, Mobility - area of fee-paying car park zones on Antwerp's territory excluding port based on GIS data - portaal-stadantwerpen.opendata.arcgis.com