The City of Antwerp had a close collaboration with 139 of the city's employers in 2022, accounting for a total of 69,819 employees. Since 2016, around 3,966 employees from 59 different employers have comprehensively tested alternative methods of transport for a trial period of 1 month. In 2022, 802 employees used this trial option.
Since 2018, Smart ways to Antwerp has measured the modal split among its partner companies every two years.
13 employers with 15,000 employees have now taken part 3 times in a row and have seen excellent progress.

The City of Antwerp had a close collaboration with 139 of the city's employers in 2022, accounting for a total of 69,819 employees. Since 2016, around 3,966 employees from 59 different employers have comprehensively tested alternative methods of transport for a trial period of 1 month. In 2022, 802 employees used this trial option.
Since 2018, Smart ways to Antwerp has measured the modal split among its partner companies every two years.
13 employers with 15,000 employees have now taken part 3 times in a row and have seen excellent progress.