Teleworking: City of Antwerp, Urban Development, Mobility - employee survey City of Antwerp in 2020 and 2022

Electrical charging points: City of Antwerp, Urban Development, Mobility - number of charging points for
electric vehicles - Stad in Cijfers,

Residents: City of Antwerp Districts and Customer Service - number of residents officially
registered in Antwerp - Stad in Cijfers,

Kilometres of traffic on the Ring Road: Flemish Traffic Centre - the traffic weight indicator shows the average
(average day) length of congestion on the Antwerp Ring Road -

Shared mobility vehicles: City of Antwerp, Urban Development, Mobility -
details from active providers based on a 6-monthly survey.

Number of cyclists: Signco - permanent counter loops at Mercatorstraat and Steenplein in 2 directions

Notable trends

Teleworking: City of Antwerp, Urban Development, Mobility - employee survey City of Antwerp in 2020 and 2022

Electrical charging points: City of Antwerp, Urban Development, Mobility - number of charging points for
electric vehicles - Stad in Cijfers,

Residents: City of Antwerp Districts and Customer Service - number of residents officially
registered in Antwerp - Stad in Cijfers,

Kilometres of traffic on the Ring Road: Flemish Traffic Centre - the traffic weight indicator shows the average
(average day) length of congestion on the Antwerp Ring Road -

Shared mobility vehicles: City of Antwerp, Urban Development, Mobility -
details from active providers based on a 6-monthly survey.

Number of cyclists: Signco - permanent counter loops at Mercatorstraat and Steenplein in 2 directions

Notable trends

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